The Paleontological Society holds its Annual Meeting in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America.
The Annual Meeting includes a wide array of opportunities for PS members to share their science, connect with other members, and participate in professional development opportunities.
2022 PS Events at GSA:
- Wednesday 10/5 PS Mentors in Paleontology Careers Event: 7-8:30pm EST (on Zoom)
Join us for the 2022 Paleontological Society Mentoring in Paleontology Careers event! This year we have assembled an outstanding panel of professionals including careers in industry, NSF, academia, fine arts and science communication, collections management, and more! This event is currently open for registration of PS members only – register HERE! If space allows, non-PS member registration will open up in the week prior to the event. Questions about this event? Please get in touch with Cori Myers.

Highlights of the Annual Meeting include:
- A diverse array of technical sessions sponsored by the PS
- Poster awards and oral prize session for student members
- Annual short course
- Annual awards banquet and business meeting
- Social events for members targeted at students and members from diverse backgrounds
- Career and mentoring luncheon
- Travel grants for invited speakers plus early career and diverse members
- PS Future of Paleontology Program
- Opportunities to connect at the Paleontological Society booth
- Registration discounts for PS members
Learn more about the next Annual GSA Meeting here.