DEEP Award

The Diversity Engagement and Enhancement in Paleontology (DEEP) Award is presented to early career professionals and students who have enhanced the global paleontology community by advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the field. The awards will be presented during the annual Geological Society of America conference. One early career professional and one student will be awarded a $1200 reward, a plaque, and a free year of membership to the Paleontological Society!

The deadline to nominate for the PS DEEP awards is February 15.

Award Criteria:
Early career professionals as well as undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Individuals are eligible regardless of their status as Paleontological Society members. Nominees eligible for the award will include: currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students; students in gap years between 2-year and 4-year degrees or between undergraduate and graduate school; postdoctoral scholars; those currently employed as paleontologists in academia, industry, government, or a museum and have received their terminal degree 5 years or fewer before the nomination.
Nomination Procedures:
Nominations can be submitted by a second party or can be self-nominated. To keep the selection process fair for everyone, only one letter of support is accepted per nominee. Contact information for the nominator and letter of support should be included. 
Form to submit your 2025 nomination––click HERE!
For those who are self-nominating:  Please provide your letter of nomination and one email to contact for one letter of support. 
For those who are nominating someone else:  Please only provide your letter of nomination. You will not need to provide a letter of support. 
The letter of nomination and letter of support should be no more than two (2) pages single-spaced, and address how the nominee has excelled in one or more of the following pursuits:
  • Leadership in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Innovation in the design and implementation of programs or other initiatives dedicated to enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Recruitment and retention such as via recruitment events, mentoring, funding or program implementation.
  • Any additional relevant factors to further describe the impact of the nominee’s efforts to promote a diverse and welcoming environment in the paleontological sciences. 
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Jeanette Pirlo.
The DEEP Award Committee of the Paleontological Society