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2024 Paleo Endorsed GSA Sessions

GSA sessions endorsed by PS are linked here, and times will come out soon!

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PaleoSoc Art Competition

Announcing a PaleoSoc Art Competition!

Calling all paleoartists! The Paleontological Society is holding an art competition! We are searching for designs that capture the spirit of the Paleontological Society.

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Letter to BLM

A letter to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, regarding the critical need for further paleontological resource assessment at BLM’s “Community Pit #1” near Las Cruces, New Mexico.

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Distinguished Lecturer/Educator Program 2024 Schedule

We're proud to share our next batch of upcoming sessions, granted by our esteemed Distinguished Lecturers. Please see the schedules to plan ahead!

Institutions denoted with a * indicate minority serving institutions (MSI).
Date of Presentation Speaker Name Speaker Institution Host Name Host Institution
May 9th, 2023 Johnny Waters Appalachian State University Nigel Hughes University of California- Riverside*
February 23rd, 2023 Brenda Hunda Cincinnati Museum Center Jacquie Ashley Niagara Peninsula Geological Society 
March 6th, 2024 Scott Wing Smithsonian Institution Shelly Wernette Texas State University*
April 3rd, 2024 Kate Lyons University of Nebraska Molly McDonough Chicago State University*
April 17th, 2024 Felisa Smith University of New Mexico Abhishek RoyChowdhury Navajo Technical University*
November 13th, 2024 Scott Evans Florida State University Peter Hutchinson Pittsburgh Geological Society

Books available for review

Books available for review announcement - updated!

The following volumes are available to Paleontological Society members in exchange for writing a review in Priscum. Reviews should be informative, engaging, and 400–800 words long. The tone can be informal and casual, appropriate to recommending a book to colleagues. Reviews are expected to be returned within six months after receipt. Past book reviews can be found in past issues of Priscum at and must be a current member of the Paleontological Society before beginning review. If you are interested in reviewing one of these texts, please contact Book Reviews Editor Phil Novack-Gottshall ([email protected])

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PS NAPC D&I and Student Travel Grants

PS NAPC D&I and Student Travel Grants

The Paleontological Society recognizes the importance of educational and research practices that foster diversity and inclusion. We value the contribution of diverse opinions, strategies, and experiences at the North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) as they are an integral part to the advancement of our field. However, many of our colleagues who work extensively on inclusive educational and research practices might not qualify for research-based funding for conference travel from their home institutions. In addition, colleagues from groups underrepresented in paleontology, in a career transition (between undergrad and grad, grad to post-doc, post-doc to position), or in adjunct, teaching, museum, or part-time positions are often the most vulnerable and most likely to leave paleontology and science. It is crucial that we ensure that these members, in addition to students, are able to attend and participate in our meetings as well as network with community members who can provide the support and mentorship that is needed in these critical transitions or positions.

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PS Student Rep Applications

The Paleontological Society is soliciting applications for a Student Representative to Council. 

Eligibility: We encourage nominations from paleontology graduate students who are early-mid stage in their graduate programs from all backgrounds and institutions, particularly those that have historically been under-represented on the Paleontological Society Council.
The Role: Student Representatives serve as voices for student needs in the Society and play leading roles in student activities including organizing student events at the Geological Society of America Conference. Student Representatives are further encouraged to develop and lead new student initiatives. In this role, students gain knowledge of the inner-workings of an international organization and experience in professional service.
The selected Student Representative (who will start their role in the fall) will join current Student Representative Carmi Milagros Thompson and serve a two-year term (Fall 2024–Fall 2026). Student Representatives attend two virtual Council meetings per year (one during fall near the time of the Geological Society of America Conference and the other during spring). 
Application Instructions and Requirements:

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Book Review: Humans

Reviewed by Andrej Spiridonov (Vilnius University, Lithuania)

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DEEP Award

The Paleontological Society is now soliciting for nominations for the DEEP Award!  

The Diversity Engagement and Enhancement in Paleontology (DEEP) Award is presented to early career professionals and students who have enhanced the global paleontology community by advancing diversity, equity and inclusion in the field. The awards will be presented during the annual Geological Society of America conference. 
The deadline to nominate for the 2nd Annual PS DEEP awards is February 16, 2024. 

Award Criteria:
Early career professionals as well as undergraduate and graduate students are eligible. Individuals are eligible regardless of their status as Paleontological Society members. Nominees eligible for the award will include: currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students; students in gap years between 2-year and 4-year degrees or between undergraduate and graduate school; postdoctoral scholars; those currently employed as paleontologists in academia, industry, government, or a museum and have received their terminal degree 5 years or fewer before the nomination.
Nomination Procedures:
Nominations can be submitted by a second party or can be self-nominated. To keep the selection process fair for everyone, only one letter of support is accepted per nominee. Contact information for the nominator and letter of support should be included. 
Please use this form to submit your nomination:
For those who are self-nominating:  Please provide your letter of nomination and one email to contact for one letter of support. 
For those who are nominating someone else:  Please only provide your letter of nomination. You will not need to provide a letter of support. 
The letter of nomination and letter of support should be no more than two (2) pages single-spaced, and address how the nominee has excelled in one or more of the following pursuits:
  • Leadership in promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Innovation in the design and implementation of programs or other initiatives dedicated to enhancing diversity, equity and inclusion.
  • Recruitment and retention such as via recruitment events, mentoring, funding or program implementation.
  • Any additional relevant factors to further describe the impact of the nominee’s efforts to promote a diverse and welcoming environment in the paleontological sciences. 
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Jeanette Pirlo.
The DEEP Award Committee of the Paleontological Society

2023 GSA Sessions Endorsed by Paleo Society

There are abundant and diverse Topical & Discipline Sessions at GSA Connects 2023 that are endorsed by the Paleo Society!

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A Paleontologist's Field Guide for Funding from the National Science Foundation

The 2022 Summer Policy Interns, supported by the Paleontological Society and the American Geosciences Institute, produced this handbook as a foundation for identifying and exploring funding areas within the National Science Foundation and other related funding agencies.

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2022 Paleontological Society Fellows

We are delighted to announce the newest Paleontological Society Fellows:  Annalisa Berta (San Diego State University), Carlos Jaramillo (Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute), Johnny Waters (University of West Georgia and Appalachian State University), and Lisa White (UC Museum of Paleontology). 

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Paleontological Society Conference Travel Grants to Support Inclusion

The Paleontological Society recognizes the importance of educational and research practices that foster diversity and inclusion. We value the contribution of diverse opinions, strategies, and experiences at the sessions, short courses, and workshops that we sponsor at meetings of the Geological Society of America and the North American Paleontological Convention and other conferences (such as SACNAS and NABG) as they are an integral part to the advancement of our field. However, many of our colleagues who work extensively on inclusive educational and research practices might not qualify for research-based funding for conference travel from their home institutions. In addition, colleagues from groups underrepresented in paleontology, in a career transition (between undergrad and grad, grad to post-doc, post-doc to position), or in adjunct, teaching, museum, or part-time positions are often the most vulnerable and most likely to leave paleontology and science. It is crucial that we ensure that these members are able to attend and participate in our meetings as well as network with community members who can provide the support and mentorship that is needed in these critical transitions or positions. Thus, the Paleontological Society is offering competitive conference travel grants to help offset the expenses PS members from underrepresented and/or at-risk groups who would be unable to attend these meetings without travel support.

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2022 GSA Sessions Endorsed by Paleo Society

There are 20+ Topical & 8 Discipline Sessions at GSA Connects 2022 that are endorsed by the Paleo Society! 

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PS 2022 Short Course on Ecological Niche Modeling

Ecological Models Applied to Fossil Data

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PS Journals Editorial Intern Positions

The Paleontological Society Journals are seeking two Editorial Interns to attend the 2022 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting and assist our editorial boards in recruiting new paper submissions. Interns will get an inside look at academic publishing and assist Journal of Paleontology and Paleobiology in diversifying our content and our authorship. Each intern will receive a $2000 stipend to cover the costs of attending the 2022 GSA Annual Meeting. 

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The Paleo Society Announces the Implementation of NAVEX and Vault for Reporting Alleged Code of Conduct Violations

The Paleontological Society has entered into agreements with two services to facilitate the reporting of alleged violations to our Code of Conduct. These go under the names of NAVEX and Vault.

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Punctuated Equilibrium Survey

The year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the landmark 1972 paper by Niles Eldredge and Stephen J. Gould that introduced the concept of punctuated equilibrium to the fields of paleontology and evolutionary biology.

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Future Leaders in Paleontology at GSA Connects 2022

The Paleontological Society is pleased to announce the fourth annual “Future Leaders in Paleontology” topical session at the 2022 GSA Annual Meeting. The goal of the session is to showcase the outstanding work of our student members in a high-profile setting. The Society will limit the number of paleontological sessions running concurrently with this special session, in order to have a prominent platform for our student members.

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PS is proud to support the Tröger Memorial Inoceramid Workshop

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