Book Reviews: Extinctions
Reviewed by Marcello Perillo (University of Bonn)
Reviewed by Marcello Perillo (University of Bonn)
Reviewed by Jennifer A. Brennan (George Washington University)
Reviewed by Blandine Hautier (Independent fossil preparator; Bonn, Germany)
The following volumes are available to Paleontological Society members in exchange for writing a review in Priscum. Reviews should be informative, engaging, and 400–800 words long. The tone can be informal and casual, appropriate to recommending a book to colleagues. Reviews are expected to be returned within six months after receipt. Past book reviews can be found in past issues of Priscum at and Reviewers must be a current member of the Paleontological Society before beginning review. If you are interested in reviewing one of these texts, please contact Book Reviews Editor Phil Novack-Gottshall ([email protected])
Reviewed by David R. Cordie (Edgewood College)
Reviewed by Ephraim Nissan (London, England)
Reviewed by Thomas A. Hegna (SUNY Fredonia)
Reviewed by James O. Farlow (Purdue University Fort Wayne)
Reviewed by Joe Bauman (Salt Lake City)
Marshall, M. 2020. The Genesis Quest: The Geniuses and Eccentrics on a Journey to Uncover the Origin of Life on Earth. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, IL. 368 pp. ($15.60 cloth, $10.80 paper, $10.79 e-book with 40% PS discount.)
Reviewed by Christa Cherava (National Parks Conservation Association, USA)
Reviewed by Blandine Hautier (Independent fossil preparator; Bonn, Germany)
Reviewed by Richard Lis (California Department of Fish and Wildlife, CA)
Reviewed by Alysha Zazubec (University of Oklahoma)
Reviewed by David R. Cordie (Edgewood College, Madison WI)
Reviewed by Blandine Hautier (Bonn, Germany)
Reviewed by Paul Strother (Boston College Weston Observatory)
Reviewed by Paul Strother (Boston College Weston Observatory)
Reviewed by Bruce Rothschild (Indiana University Health, formerly Carnegie Museum of Natural History)
Reviewed by Phil Novack-Gottshall (Benedictine University, Lisle, IL)
Reviewed by Andrej Spiridonov (Vilnius University, Lithuania & Nature Research Centre, Lithuania)