Membership → Become a Member
Support the advancement of the science of paleontology and understanding of the history of life on Earth through membership in the Paleontological Society.
Member Benefits Include:
- Gain cutting-edge knowledge of advances in paleontology.
- Interact and exchange ideas with the worldwide paleontological community while shaping the future of the profession.
- Support diversity and inclusion in paleontology.
- FREE online access to two premier journals — Journal of Paleontology and Paleobiology.
- FREE online access to Elements of Paleontology.
- FREE online access to complete chapters of upcoming volumes of the Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology.
- Member-only discounts on the Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology and other paleontology books.
- Discounted member rates on publications of the Paleontological Association.
- Discounted registration rates for annual and regional meetings of the Geological Society of America (GSA).
- Participate in paleontological topical sessions and other programs at GSA meetings.
- Opportunities to participate in North American Paleontological Conventions.
- Participate in supporting the Society’s programs, awards, and publications; including:
- Student and early career research grants
- International research grants to support those in Eastern Europe and republics of the former Soviet Union (PalSIRP Sepkoski Grants)
- Apply for travel grants and conference support
- Educational outreach to K-12 children and the general public
- … and more
Membership Categories
Regular Member: Individuals interested in paleontology.
Amateur/Avocational Member: Individuals interested in paleontology who do not make a living full-time from paleontology.
K-12 Educator: Individuals teaching paleontology to Kindergarten through high school students.
Student/Early Career Member: Individuals interested in paleontology who are currently enrolled in a primary or secondary school, college or university, graduate programs, or are within five years after completion of their degree program.
Retired Member: Individuals who have retired from employment as a professional paleontologist (approval from the Paleo Society Chief is required).
Membership Category |
Annual Membership Dues Price (includes online access to Journal of Paleontology, Paleobiology, Elements of Paleontology, The Paleontological Society Papers, and Treatise Online)
Regular Member |
$85 |
Regular Member, Developing Nations*
$40 |
Amateur/Avocational Member |
$40 |
K-12 Educator |
$40 |
Student/Early Career Member |
$40 |
Student/Early Career Member, Developing Nations* |
$30 |
Retired Member |
$65 |
*Discounted memberships for Regular and Student/Early Career memberships are available to individuals from nations with economies other than “High-income” as classified here by the World Bank. When joining online, please select the appropriate membership category based on your country of residence.
Please Note:
- All Paleo Society memberships are processed on a calendar year basis (January through December). We are not able to pro-rate membership dues.
- Membership dues payments are not refundable.
Join or Renew today!

To join or renew by mail, click on the image above to download a membership application form that you may complete and mail to us with your payment.
If you wish to renew by phone or have questions regarding membership or journal access, please email [email protected] or call +1-301-634-7231.